Communications Office

Priory Magazine - Spring 2024

The Communications Department at Saint Louis Abbey and Saint Louis Priory School supports the school’s mission, “To provide a Catholic, Benedictine college preparatory education of the highest excellence so as to help talented and motivated young men develop their full potential as children of God,” by facilitating communications with internal and external audiences.

The mission of the Priory Communications Department is to generate interest in the school and deliver inquiries and prospects by utilizing various communications channels including Priory’s website, social media channels, digital marketing campaigns and other vehicles as needed. The Communications Department builds relationships and pride in our school through continuous two-way communication with faculty, staff, students and families, which supports the achievement of excellence of a Catholic, Benedictine education.


Issue 11

Issue 10

Issue 9

Issue 8

Issue 7

Issue 6

Issue 5

Issue 4

Issue 3

Issue 2

Issue 1

Contact Us

Cathy Arroyo

Cathy Arroyo

Director of Communications and Public Relations
Ben Mizera

Ben Mizera

Assistant Director of Communications and Marketing

Media Requests

All requests to interview, film or photograph Priory students, faculty or staff should be made to:

Cathy Arroyo, APR

Director of Communications and Public Relations
Direct line: 314.434.3690, ext. 216;
Cell: 314.749.3622;


Regular Communications

“This Week at Priory” – During the school year, a weekly “What’s Happening” email for students and families.

Raven Report – A once-a-month email newsletter filled with news and information.

Priory Magazine – A twice-a-year magazine, which is mailed to families, faculty, alumni and friends of Saint Louis Priory School.

MyPriory – Priory's learning management and online coursework system.

The Priory App – Download it from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store

Logos, Visual Identity and Branding

The Communications Office clears all use of Saint Louis Abbey and Saint Louis Priory School's name, logos and other imagery, including the Ravens athletics materials. If you have a need for any of these materials, or for any graphic design, please contact us at and we will help you as best we can.