Events and Important Dates

Important Dates

September — 9th Grade Tours & Shadow Visits Begin
October 1 — FACTS Tuition Assistance Application begins
November 10 — Open House For All Grade Levels
December 13 — High School Applications Due
December 31 — All Tuition Assistance Applications Due

January 14— 6th and 7th Grade Applications Due
January 14 — Slattery Scholarship Applications Due
January 14 — Kidner and Benedict Scholarship Applications Due
January 31 — High School Admission Decision / Tuition Assistance Notifications
February 21 - High School Enrollment Contract and Deposit Deadline
March 14— 6th and 7th Grade Admission Decision / Tuition Assistance Notifications
April 4 — 6th and 7th Grade Enrollment Contract and Deposit Deadline

On-Campus Programming

We have opportunities to visit our campus in person for a chance to experience what life is like at Priory. We invite prospective students for a shadow visit, and we offer a private tours as well.  Please call 314.434.3690 x101 to schedule a visit, or click on the links below.