Medieval Arts
Students at Priory have the opportunity to learn the art of stained glass, mosaics and calligraphy through the only medieval arts program of its kind in the U.S. All students learn the history and beauty of the Medieval Arts, including the art of calligraphy—a mainstay at Priory since the school’s founding. In addition to this coursework, students can join a Medieval Arts Guild, known officially as “The Guild of Saint Columkille.” Interested students may progress through the Guild system, learning even more about the ancient art forms of stained glass, mosaics, banners and illuminated manuscripts from upperclassmen, until they achieve the status of Master in the Guild. Each Master has earned the right to have his personal coat of arms permanently sealed on the Craftsman Table.
Medieval Arts students created the Emerson stained glass windows in the High School lobby—the Millennial Window and the Jubilee Window.