In August, before the start of school, the community comes together for the Raven Roundup...
Priory Traditions
As students progress through their Priory experience, they will have the opportunity to participate in a number of unique traditions. Here are 10 such traditions, in no particular order:
On Mondays and Wednesdays, the school gathers for all-school assemblies.
Each Tuesday morning, volunteer tutors from the High School meet to meditate on the Gospel of the day with groups of Junior School students.
The end of the fall sports season brings with it one of the Junior School’s traditions, the Rusty Bucket football game.
In what has become a holiday season tradition, Priory hosts the annual Christmas Classic game in which several seniors play against the St. Louis Roadies.
Each year, recent Priory graduates return to campus over the Christmas holiday to share their college experiences with Priory’s juniors and seniors.
Every December, Priory students co-host a Christmas dance with the young women of Visitation Academy.
Since the school’s earliest days, Priory has required its seniors to produce a senior thesis – a product of scholarly, scientific or artistic work of high academic quality.
A recent tradition, each May Priory's Alumni Board hosts a dinner...
Our biggest annual fundraiser, the Xanadu auction is held annually in late winter.