Student Support

It is the mission of Priory's School Counselor and Learning Consultant to support the development of each student as a whole person and child of God. As a team, we strive to build upon students' God-given strengths to aid in the development of healthy and effective coping skills, learning strategies, and relationships as well as self-awareness and ability to take responsibility to oneself. 


Mrs. Rayhawk, the School Counselor, focuses on the social and emotional needs of students. Students may need to see her for:

  • Stress management 
  • Coping, problem-solving and decision-making concerns
  • School adjustment issues
  • Peer relationships and conflict resolution
  • Divorce, separation and/or family changes
  • Grief and loss
  • Community resources and referrals 

Mrs. Rayhawk, is available Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Students can request a meeting by email ( or simply stop by the counseling office in room 135 of the High School (in the main hallway). Students can also be referred by a teacher, administrator, or parent. 


Mrs. Jung, the Learning Consultant, focuses on students' academic needs. She manages learning accommodations plans for students with learning differences. Priory offers learning accommodations tailored to the needs of the student, based on medical and psychological evaluations and recommendations. A student must be clinically diagnosed with a learning disability, speech impairment, physical disability, or emotional impairment, and it must be clear that this disability directly impacts his learning. If you would like more information on getting a formal accommodations plan started for your son, please contact us. 

Students may need to see the Learning Consultant for: 

  • Academic skills support
  • Organizational skills
  • Study and test-taking skills
  • Learning plans and accommodations

Mrs. Jung is available each school day in the Writing Center. Students can request a meeting by email ( or stop by her office. Students can also be referred by Priory faculty or parents.

The responsibility of the Student Support team is to promote the academic, personal, and social development of all students. It is a collaboration with parents, teachers, administrators, the community, and the students themselves to help achieve these goals. 

Mrs. Jennifer Jung
Learning Consultant 

Mrs. Laura Rayhawk
School Counselor