All Souls' Day Mass

Dear Members of the Abbey Community,

On Monday, Nov. 2, the Church celebrates the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day). In the past, we've come together during the first week of November for a special all-school Mass to pray for members of our community who have passed away during the previous year. While we can't do that quite the same way as we usually do, we still wanted to take the time to pray for our loved ones who have gone to be with the Lord. 

At 11 a.m. on Monday, our freshman and sophomore students will gather for their regular school Mass, which will be livestreamed on this page. A list of those for whom the Mass will be said is also provided below. Please join us in prayer for these friends and loved ones and for their families, and know that you and your families are, as always, in the prayers of our monastic community.

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls through the mercy of God rest in peace.

Yours sincerely in the Lord,

Alternate text

Abbot Gregory Mohrman, O.S.B., '76

All Soul's Day Mass
Nov 2 202011:00 AM

Carolyn Arnoldgrandmother of Will Stoneman ’21

Marc Braeckel, Sr.father of Paul Braeckel ’87, grandfather of Colby Braeckel ’11 (deceased), Mason Besencenez ’17, and Chancellor Besencenez ’22

Catherine Hariggrandmother of Matthew Politte ’22

August Hummert IIIgrandfather of Jack Seifried ’22 and Nick Seifried ’22

Virginia Jungclausgreat-grandmother of Domenick Palmer ’19 and Danny Palmer ‘22

Bill and Ginger Kellygrandparents of Will Kelly ’21

Robert Kraeger ’88father of Thomas Kraeger ’25

Margaret Malaweygrandmother of Louis Rolwes ’19 and Adam Rolwes ’21

John Mitchellgrandfather of Duncan Phillips ’19 and Aidan Phillips ’21

Anita Phillipsmother of Eddie Phillips ’83, John Phillips ’85, grandmother of McLean Phillips ’17, Colin Phillips ’19, and Brendan Phillips ’21

John Reillygrandfather of Jimmy Newell ’14 and John Newell ’22


Prior Paul Kidner, O.S.B.


Bob Fletcher ’67son of Confratres Paul and Margaret Fletcher (both deceased) and brother of Tom Fletcher ’65 (deceased)

Steve Higgins ’64


Nancy Carrollmother of faculty member Thomas Carroll

Dr. Daniel Santa Cruzfather of faculty member Gabriel Santa Cruz ’92

Peter Schaeferfather of faculty member Ann Schaefer


Peter Benoist ’66husband of Confrater Carol Benoist, father of Peter Benoist ’91, brother of Howard Benoist ’60 (deceased) and Walter Benoist ’64. Confrater and Abbey Society Board Member

Chris Guyolwife of Confrater and Abbey Society Board Member Frank (deceased), mother of James ’72, grandmother of Patrick Erker ’03, Teddy Erker ’06, Alex Erker ’09, and faculty member Andrew Erker ’11. Confrater and Abbey Society Board Member

Father John Jay HughesConfrater

Lucy McNamarawife of Confrater and Oblate Robert McNamara (deceased), mother of Mark McNamara ’78, Confrater

Fred Switzer IIIAbbey Society Board Member

Patrick Walshhusband of Confrater Marie Walsh (deceased), Confrater and Oblate

Brent WilliamsConfrater and former faculty member