Dear Parents, 

Happy Back-to-School!

Your sons were amazing today — they were generous, patient, observant, and very happy to be back. Aside from a couple of uncertainties about how to use our new technology, we had very few disruptions on a day dedicated to test-driving our new systems. On behalf of all of our faculty and staff, thank you for continuing to work with us to make our school — virtual and on campus — a safe place where your sons can continue to grow as children of God. 

I’m writing tonight to acknowledge this morning’s difficulties with the Magnus Health App and its COVID screening tool. While many of you were able to use the app successfully, far too many of us struggled to access the screening tool or were blocked by an error in the Magnus Health server. 

In light of these challenges, the school’s administration has decided to suspend the use of Magnus Health COVID screening tool. While we will continue to use Magnus Health to manage your son’s health forms and data, beginning tomorrow morning, we will ask you to complete a daily COVID screening form accessible through your parent account in MyPriory. If you have more than one son in the school, you will need to fill out a form for each of them. While not as convenient as an app, you will be able to complete this form quickly and securely by logging into your parent MyPriory account where the COVID screening form will be visible in the yellow banner at the top of your MyPriory home screen. Please submit this form each morning before your son leaves for school. We hope that this process will be easier to complete than the one currently offered through Magnus Health and look forward to your feedback in the coming days. 

If you have any difficulty accessing the COVID screening form in MyPriory tomorrow morning, please contact the IT department at

In Christ,

Father Cuthbert Elliott, O.S.B., '02