Field Day comes at just the right moment in the year. We have been working hard for so many months, and there is certainly more work to do in the next few weeks. However, it’s good to take a break from our daily routines and make some time for play. I am so grateful to Mr. Hessel and the Student Council for the work that they have put in to make Field Day happen in 2021. We have not had many opportunities to have school-wide events this year, but Field Day provides us with an opportunity to joyfully compete against one another!

Field Day also reminds us about the importance of balance in our lives. I spoke to the freshmen and sophomores about balance during our Chaplaincy Assembly this past week. I reflected on Chapter 64 of the Rule in which Saint Benedict says that an abbot should have a balanced approach when leading his monks, “He must hate faults but love the brothers. When he must punish them, he should use prudence and avoid extremes; otherwise, by rubbing too hard to remove the rust, he may break the vessel.” It’s clear through this passage that Saint Benedict understands the importance of balance. Throughout the Rule, he teaches a balanced approach to living, in which a monk should make time each day for prayer, work, study, and companionship.

As we near the end of the school year, it’s a good time to assess the balance of our lives. Is there one area of our lives that is getting too much attention? Is there another part of our spirit that needs some nurturing? Are we working too hard? Are we playing too hard? Are we praying enough? We all have different answers to these questions and so finding balance is truly a personal task.

Usually around this time of year, I share a message about finishing strong. After the challenges that have already been overcome, I think it is more important to share a message of finding your balance. I pray that we all may live more balanced lives in the weeks ahead.


Mr. Mike Nickolai '03
Assistant Head of School for Human and Spiritual Formation