Living the Faith
The rich history, traditions and spiritual foundation of the Benedictine order provide a unique educational environment that blends the stability of tradition, prayer and service with academic excellence and personal achievement.
Our students have a myriad of opportunities to live the Christian faith, exploring all disciplines in light of God and as reflections of the divine. This Christian humanism enables our boys to learn that living the faith is a lifelong journey, leading to their growth and development as virtuous young men who are happy both in this life and the next.
Benedictine Tradition
Priory's Benedictine Tradition makes community life central to a student's experience on campus. The entire Priory community gathers three times each week for student council, assembly and mass. These gatherings ensure that the entire campus feels a larger sense of community, and Priory’s structure also allows every student to be a part of several smaller communities. It is in these smaller groups that friendships form and connections to the school are strengthened.